2.1 Compatibility Dialog
To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Advanced | 2.1 compatibility from the main menu in OneTouch®.
These settings provide an easy means to have OneTouch® "mimic" a wide variety of behaviors from prior versions--for those of us who were especially comfortable and/or familiar with those behaviors.
Smart Reference™ dialog - When this setting is enabled , the results of a Smart Reference™ action are displayed in a dialog box. Once you click on a particular item, the appropriate window type is opened to that location. When this setting is disabled
, the appropriate window type is opened to the first item in the list, and the complete list of Smart Reference™ results is displayed in the Search Results pane of that window..
Split up/down controls - [Note: This feature has not yet been implemented.]
Hide Search - [Note: This feature has not yet been implemented.]
Button dropdowns - When this setting is enabled , clicking on any of the reference work buttons on the Main Toolbar will display a "dropdown" list of all available reference works of that type. When this setting is disabled
, clicking on any of the reference work buttons will go directly to selection dialog, with the default reference work of that type "preselected." (Note: The selection dialog does allow you to select a reference work other than the default.)
Non-graphic buttons - [Note: This feature has not yet been implemented.]
Strong's Dictionary button - [Note: This feature has not yet been implemented.]
Move caret on scroll - When this setting is enabled , the symbol used to indicate the current context (typically "|") will be moved, as needed, to remain on the current screen during scroll actions. When scrolling up, the "|" will be placed on the first verse on the screen. When scrolling down, the "|" will be placed on the last verse on the screen. When this setting is disabled
, the "|" remains on the current verse during a scroll action, even if that verse is not visible on the current screen.
Extended hints - When this setting is enabled , the longer version of tool tips (also known as "fly-by hints") will be displayed whenever available. When this setting is disabled
, the shorter version will always be used.
Reduced buttons - When this setting is enabled , infrequently used buttons will be removed from the interface in order to present a less "cluttered" appearance. At this time the only button effected by this setting is the
on the Strong's number edit box (used when selecting a Strong's number). When this setting is disabled
, all buttons are dispayed.
Reduced menu text - When this setting is enabled , the short version of menu text items is displayed. When this setting is disabled
, the long version of menu text items is displayed.
2.1 style buttons - When this setting is enabled , the buttons that appear on the main and lower toolbars are similar in appearance to the button faces used in OneTouch® version 2. When this setting is disabled
, the graphical button faces will be used instead.
One verse per paragraph - When this setting is enabled , Bible versions will be displayed in verse form, even when paragraphing information is available. When this setting is disabled
, many Bible versions will display in paragraph form, where each paragraph might include multiple Bible verses. Note: When viewing a Bible version you can toggle paragraphing on or off using the button (located on the lower toolbar). Unlike this setting, that toggle will not effect other Bible versions, nor will it remain in effect the next time you open a Bible window.
No bitmaps on menus - [Note: This feature has not yet been implemented.]
Verse at top - This setting only effects Bible versions when in paragraph mode--where multiple verses might appear as a paragraph, rather than each verse being a separate paragraph. When this setting is enabled , the current verse is kept at the top of the pane, regardless of where that verse occurs in the current paragraph. When this setting is disabled
, the top of the current paragraph is kept at the top of the pane. Note that, with this option disabled, it is possible for the top of the current paragraph to be visible, but for the current verse to still be "off-screen."
Center captions - When this setting is enabled , text displayed in the pane caption (at the top of a pane) will be centered. When this setting is disabled
, caption text will be left-justified.
Fancy current context - When this setting is enabled , the current context button
will return the right-side Bible pane to the previous reference. When this setting is disabled
, clicking the
button will always set the right-side Bible pane to the same verse reference as the left-side pane. For example, the first time that you click the
button, the right-hand Bible pane will be set to the same verse reference as the left-side pane--regardless of whether this setting is enabled or disabled. However, when enabled it provides far greater utility. Let's say that you have a commentary open to John 3:16. Click the
button and the right-side pane will open a Bible to John 3:16. Now, let's say that you scroll down, in the Bible text, to John 3:21. And further, let's say that you double-click on an embedded reference in the commentary, so that now the right-side Bible pane is displaying Malachi 2:7. Click the
button and the right-side pane will return to John 3:21. Click the
button a second time and the right-side pane will once again set to the same verse reference as the left-side pane (John 3:16, in this example). In short, the
button provides an easy way to return to the previous Bible text after viewing an embedded reference!
Don't require Control key - When this setting is enabled , you can access many of the Ctrl key shortcuts simply by pressing the appropriate letter--in other words, without having to hold down or press the Ctrl key. When this setting is disabled
, you must hold down the Ctrl key.
Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Advanced.