This menu item focuses the corresponding window.
Window sizes Dialog
To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Preferences | Window sizes from the main menu in OneTouch®.
These settings control the starting size and starting position of the various windows that can be displayed on the OneTouch® Application Desktop. Note that separate settings are provided for the Bible window, the Lexicon pane, and the Smart Notes pane. Regardless of the starting size of any window, you can always click-and-drag the edges of a window (up to the edge of the OneTouch® Application Desktop) to make it larger or smaller. Click-and-drag a corner to adjust two sides at once.
Window's Default - This setting will cause all windows of this type to be opened at the default size that Windows assigns.
Percentage - This setting will cause all windows of this type to be relative to, or as a percentage of, the size of the OneTouch® Application Desktop. Note that you can specify both the relative Width and Height.
Maximum - This setting will cause all windows of this type to be opened to their largest possible size.
PC Study Default - This setting will cause all windows of this type to be opened based on the OneTouch® default. The default is Maximum for all window types--except the Bible window, which is approximately the full height and two-thirds the width of the OneTouch® Application Desktop.
Fixed Position - When this setting is enabled , each window will opened at the top-left corner of the OneTouch® Application Desktop. When this option is disabled
, and if tiling is active, each window will be opened based on the tiling settings. (See: Tiling Dialog)
Show Smart Notes - When this setting is enabled , the Smart Note pane will be displayed whenever a Bible window is opened. When this setting is disabled
, the Smart Note pane will not be displayed whenever a Bible window is opened. Regardless of this setting, you can always hide or display the Smart Note pane in a Bible window by clicking the
button (located on the lower toolbar).
Smart Note pane size - This setting specifies the size of the Smart Note pane as a percentage of the height of a Bible window.
Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Preferences.