This tab is used for searching for words or phrases occurring in commentaries.
Search Defaults Dialog
To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Preferences | Search Defaults from the main menu in OneTouch®.
These settings provide control over the search action in OneTouch®.
- This setting specifies the maximum number of "hits" that a search action will return. Each occurrence of the item being searched--including multiple occurrences within a single verse or chapter--counts as a "hit".
- This setting specifies the maximum number of "hits" that a Morphological search action will return. Each occurrence of the item being searched--including multiple occurrences within a single verse or chapter--counts as a "hit".
- When this setting is enabled , the text immediately surrounding each search "hit" is displayed in the Search Results pane--providing some context when viewing the search results. When this setting is disabled
, no context is displayed.
- When this setting is enabled , search results open in a new tab. Otherwise, they open in the right pane.
Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Preferences.