This value indicates the maximum number of paragraphs that will be kept in memory, in addition to those that are visible on the screen. [Note: This is an advanced feature of OneTouch® and should not be reset except when directed by Biblesoft® Technical Support personnel.]


A menu is a list of various program actions. The menubar is a collection of the current menus. To display the contents of a menu you click the menu name (e.g., File). A menu item will often represent another menu (called a submenu), indicated by the bm90 symbol. To view a submenu, simply hold the mouse cursor over the desired menu item. (Note: A submenu will disappear when you move the mouse cursor off of the menu item that it belongs to. To select an item from a submenu, move the mouse cursor over to the submenu, then up or down to the desired menu item.)

The main menu in OneTouch® is dynamic, meaning that the menus available from it will change as various OneTouch® windows are opened and closed. The main menu represents every possible action that can be taken at any time while using the OneTouch® program.