Select this menu item to perform an Englishman's Concordance search for the current Strong's number.
Englishman's Window
The Englishman's window contains the search hits from a Strong's # expression (one or more Strong's numbers combined with search operators) and a dual-function Information Panel/Bible Pane. To open an Englishman's window a search must first be conducted using one or more Strong's numbers. See Englishman's Concordance Search for step-by-step instructions for performing an Englishman's search.
The Information Panel lists the actions that are available on the lower toolbar, along with a brief description of the action performed by each one. If you double-click any one of the search hit lines a Bible pane will replace the Information Panel, and display the corresponding Bible reference. (Note: Use the button--located on the lower toolbar--to toggle between the Information Panel and the Bible Pane.)
Remember, whenever a window contains two or more panes you can change their relative size by moving the "splitter" or "divider" line that separates the panes--giving more space to one pane and less space to the other pane. Simply move the mouse cursor to the "splitter" line, until the cursor appears as
, then click and drag the splitter until the panes are the desired size.
Also See: