Enter the Strong's Number to search for.
Lexicon Pane
The Lexicon pane displays original language (Greek or Hebrew) word definitions that are organized by Strong's number. Each Strong's number represents a unique Greek or Hebrew root word.
One of the most powerful uses of this pane is to trace the roots, or origin, of any particular word. This is done using references to one or more other Strong's definitions that are contained (embedded) in the definition. The word (or words) from which the current one is derived will usually be designated by the word "from." For example, "from NT:473."
Not all of the embedded Strong's numbers reflect the roots of a word. Some indicate words that are similar (e.g., "See also OT:224"), while some indicate words that are different (e.g., "Compare OT:10").
Double-click any embedded Strong's number to display the corresponding definition. The new definition will be displayed in place of the current definition. Click the button (located on the Main Toolbar) to move back to the definition that you double-clicked from, decreasing the Level indicator by 1.
You can copy the definition to the Clipboard by clicking on the button (located on the lower toolbar). Or you can launch an Englishman's Concordance search by clicking on the
button--to find every instance where the current root word is used in the Old (Hebrew) or New (Greek) Testament.
Also, if you have multiple sets of Lexicon definitions you can use the button to display the next available definition for the current Strong's number.
Also See: