If this box is checked, the Commentary tagging buttons (specifically the Bible, text type, and paragraph type tags) are shown on the lower toolbar when you are in edit mode. These buttons can also be displayed or hidden using the Toggle Editing Tools button (located on the lower toolbar).
Commentary Window
To open a Commentary window a Bible reference must first be selected--either from Commentary tab in the NavPanel or via a cross-reference from a Bible text. The Commentary Pane displays an article for the selected Bible reference. If you double-click a Bible reference in one of the commentary articles the corresponding Bible text will be displayed.
And now,you can add your own commentary --which becomes an integrated part of your OneTouch® library! See Creating a Commentary - Overview for additional details.
Remember, whenever a window contains two or more panes you can change their relative size by moving the "splitter" or "divider" line that separates the panes--giving more space to one pane and less space to the other pane. Simply move the mouse cursor to the "splitter" line, until the cursor appears as
, then click and drag the splitter until the panes are the desired size.
Since both Commentary and Bible Notes are organized in the same way (book-chapter-verse) they can also be viewed in each other's window types. That is, you can view Bible Notes in the Commentary window and you can view Commentary in the Bible Notes pane.
Also See: