Click the button (located to the immediate right of this field) to select the desired text type from a list of all valid text types. See Searching for Special Characters and Text Types for detailed instructions on the Symbol dialog.
Interlinear Bible Display Options (Global)
To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Interlinear from the main menu in OneTouch®.
The Interlinear Bible Display Options dialog is used to define the layout of your interlinear window. This setting affects all interlinear windows which you open after this point.
The Available and Selected lists, and the arrows displayed between them, are used to specify the lines of information, and the order that they will appear in, in an Interlinear Bible. The lines of an Interlinear display will be in exact same order as the lines in the Selected column. This order is determined as you move items from the Available list to the Selected list. For that reason, it is easiest to move all of the items in the Selected list over to the Available list (click on the double left arrow button), then move each desired item--in the order that you want them to appear--from the Available list to the Selected list (click on the desired item, then click on the single right arrow).
Reverse English in OT - When this setting is enabled , the English text in phrases (Old Testament only) will be displayed from right to left. For example, when selected, the phrase 'In the beginning' would be displayed as 'beginning the In'. When this setting is disabled
, English text phrases will be displayed left to right.
Show Hebrew Right to Left in OT - When this setting is enabled , Hebrew text (Old Testament only) will be displayed from right to left. When this option is disabled
, Hebrew text will be displayed from left to right.
Show 9999 Numbers - When this setting is enabled , words which do not appear in the Greek or Hebrew texts are displayed with a Strong's number of "9999." These words have been added for English readability, or appear in the Textus Receptus but not in the earlier manuscripts. When this setting is disabled
, no number will be displayed for words or phrases that do not appear in the Greek or Hebrew texts.
Show Nestle warnings - When this setting is enabled , a dialog box will display a warning message when a verse is being viewed which is not in the oldest manuscripts. When this setting is disabled
, no warning message is displayed.
Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Preferences.